All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered by the Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion without discussion. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed and considered separately.
| 4. |
City Council Meeting Minutes – Approval
Approve the minutes of the City Council Special and Regular meetings of October 3, 2022.
| 5. |
City Council Guidelines – Amendment
Adopt a Resolution to approve revised City Council Guidelines to amend the process governing the succession of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor to reflect the City's transition to district-based elections.
| 6. |
Grand Jury Report: "A Delicate Balance between Knowledge and Power: Government Transparency and the Public's Right to Know" – Response Letter
Approve the letter responding to the August 9, 2022 report by the San Mateo County Civil Grand Jury entitled, "A Delicate Balance between Knowledge and Power: Government Transparency and the Public's Right to Know" and authorize the Mayor to send the response letter on behalf of the City Council.
| 7. |
Citywide Small Trash Capture Project – Agreement
Approve an agreement with Schaaf & Wheeler Consulting Civil Engineers for design services for the Citywide Small Trash Capture Project in the amount of $112,300; establish a contingency reserve in the amount of $17,000 and authorize the Public Works Director to execute the agreement in substantially the form presented; and issue change orders within the contingency amount.
| 8. |
Use of Public Right-of-Way – Agreement
Approve a Utility Equipment Agreement (UEA) with Crown Castle Fiber, LLC for the construction, installation, maintenance, and operation of fiber optic network facilities within the public right-of-way and authorize the Public Works Director to execute the agreement in substantially the form presented.
| 9. |
Purchase and Installation of Public Safety Equipment – Agreement
Adopt a Resolution to approve an alternative bidding process and approve an agreement with Priority 1 Public Safety Equipment Installation, Inc. for the purchase and installation of public safety equipment in the amount of $192,162.91; establish a contingency reserve in the amount of $39,000; and authorize the Public Works Director to execute the agreement in substantially the form presented and issue change orders within the contingency amount.
| 10. |
Clean Water Program – Amendment
Approve Amendment No. 8 to the agreement with CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc. to authorize scope and funding for the ninth year of program management services for the Clean Water Program in an amount not to exceed $9,400,769 for Year 9 scope of services; establish a contingency reserve of $1,410,000; and authorize the Public Works Director to execute this amendment in substantially the form presented and issue change orders within the contingency amount.
| 11. |
San Mateo County Transportation Authority Senate Bill 1 Solutions for Congestion Corridors and Local Partnership Program Grant Application – Letter of Support
Authorize the Mayor to send a letter of support on behalf of the City regarding San Mateo County Transportation Authority’s application for Senate Bill 1 (SB 1) funding for the United States 101 and State Route 92 Area Improvements and Multimodal Project.
| 12. |
San Mateo County Gun Relinquishment Task Force Program – Memoranda of Understanding
Approve two Memoranda of Understanding with the County of San Mateo to define the purpose, goals and mission of the Gun Relinquishment Task Force, and to assign a Police Officer for a two-year term; adopt a Resolution to amend the 2022-23 budget to approve the addition of one Full Time Equivalent Police Officer for a two-year term and to; and authorize the Chief of Police to execute the agreements in substantially the form presented.
| 13. |
Citywide Parking Enforcement Services – Amendment
Approve Amendment No. 1 to the agreement with LAZ Parking California LLC for citywide parking enforcement services in the amount of $2,773,216 for a new agreement total of an amount not to exceed $4,807,220; adopt a Resolution to appropriate $50,000 to the Police Department’s 2022-23 Operating Budget; and authorize the Chief of Police to execute the amendment in substantially the form presented.
| 14. |
Police Officer Lateral Hiring Recruitment Incentive Program – Extension
Adopt a Resolution to authorize the extension of the Police Officer Lateral Hiring Recruitment Incentive Program to offer a $30,000 recruitment incentive to up to five (5) highly qualified and experienced lateral police officers, in a cumulative amount not to exceed $150,000.
| 15. |
Permanent Local Housing Allocation – Grant Application
Adopt a Resolution to re-apply to the State of California for Permanent Local Housing Allocation grant program and amend the 5-year funding plan.
| 16. |
Mapping Software – Enterprise License Agreement
Adopt a Resolution to approve an alternative purchasing method and an agreement with Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc (ESRI) for purchase of software, cloud services, and support in the amount of $208,000, and authorize the Director of Information Technology to execute the agreement in substantially the form presented.
| 17. |
Outdoor Dining Guidelines – Amendments
Adopt a Resolution to approve amendments to the Parklet Permit Program Guidelines and the Sidewalk and Pedestrian Mall Outdoor Dining Permit Program and authorize the City Manager to make further minor administrative amendments to these program guidelines.
| 18. |
Uncollectible Accounts Receivable Write Off – Approval
Adopt a Resolution to authorize writing off $91,395.68 of uncollectible accounts receivable invoices as bad debt.
| 19. |
November 8, 2022 Statewide Propositions – Recommendations
Approve the Legislative Committee’s recommendations to take the following positions on the propositions on the ballot for the November 8, 2022 Statewide General Election: Proposition 28 (Funding Arts and Music Education) – Support; and Proposition 31 (Prohibiting Retail Sale of Certain Flavored Tobacco Products) – Support.
| 20. |
Fixin' San Mateo County – Resolution of Support
Adopt a Resolution to affirm the City of San Mateo City Council’s support for Fixin' San Mateo County's (FxSMC) efforts to establish civilian oversight of the San Mateo County Sheriff's Office.