All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered by the Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion without discussion. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed and considered separately.
| 3. |
City Council Meeting Minutes - Approval
Approve the minutes of the City Council Special and Regular meeting of April 4, 2022.
| 4. |
Ordinance Adoption – Sign Code Amendments
Adopt an Ordinance to amend San Mateo Municipal Code Title 25, “Signs” by updating definitions, revising regulations for signs in the public right of way, clarifying the permissible number and dimensions of signs, and making other miscellaneous changes.
| 5. |
Remote Teleconferenced City Council and Commission Meetings – Reauthorization
Adopt a Resolution to reauthorize remote teleconferenced City Council and Board and Commission meetings for 30 days, through May 18, 2022, as allowed by Assembly Bill 361 amending the Brown Act, based upon the Governor’s emergency proclamation and findings that meeting in person would present imminent risks to the health or safety of attendees.
| 6. |
US 101/State Route 92 Area Improvement and Multimodal Project – Letter of Support
Authorize Mayor Bonilla to send a letter of support on behalf of the City of San Mateo to Congresswoman Speier for the San Mateo County Transportation Authority's request for Community Project Funding.
| 7. |
On-Call Traffic Engineering Data Collection Services – Amendment
Approve Amendment No. 1 to the agreement with Innovative Data Acquisitions, LLC dba IDAX Data Solutions for on-call traffic engineering data collection services in the amount of $110,000 for a new agreement total of an amount not to exceed $200,000, extend the term of the agreement, authorize the Public Works Director to execute term extension amendments within the agreement amount, and authorize the Public Works Director to execute Amendment No. 1 in substantially the form approved.
| 8. |
Wastewater Treatment Plant Immediate Action Projects, Package II – Amendment
Approve Amendment No. 5 to the agreement with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., to provide professional design services and engineering services during construction for Immediate Action Projects Package II in the amount of $88,673.46, revising the total agreement amount not to exceed $1,562,403.46, extend the term through September 15, 2022, and authorize the Public Works Director to execute the amendment in substantially the form presented.
| 9. |
Rodder Truck and Vac-Con Truck – Purchase Contracts
Adopt a Resolution to approve an alternative purchasing procedure and approve a contract with National Auto Fleet Group for the purchase of one Rodder Truck from Nixon-Egli Equipment Company for $271,665.51 and one Vac-Con Combination Sewer and Storm Drain Cleaner from Vac-Con Inc. for $588,981.10, for a total purchase amount of $860,646.61, and authorize the Public Works Director to execute the purchase contracts in substantially the form presented.
| 10. |
Program for Arterial System Synchronization Fiscal Year 2021-22 Cycle – Funding Agreement
Approve a Joint Funding Agreement with Metropolitan Transportation Commission for the Program for Arterial System Synchronization Fiscal Year 2021-22 Cycle, approve matching funds from the City in the amount of $7,747, and authorize the Public Works Director to execute the Agreement in substantially the form approved.
| 11. |
Central Park Seasonal Ice Rink – Agreement
Approve a five-year zero cost / zero revenue license agreement with On Ice LLC to operate a seasonal ice rink in Central Park and authorize the Director of Parks and Recreation to execute the agreement in substantially the form presented.
| 12. |
San Mateo Public Library Foundation Operating Lease – Amendment
Approve an amendment to the Property Lease and Operating Agreement with the San Mateo Public Library Foundation to extend the lease for an additional year commencing retroactively to April 1, 2022 through March 31, 2023, and authorize the City Librarian to execute the amendment.
| 13. |
San Mateo City Employees' Association Memorandum of Understanding – Amendment
Adopt a Resolution to amend the Memorandum of Understanding with the San Mateo City Employees' Association for salary increases and a term through June 22, 2024.
| 14. |
General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance – Commitment Approval
Adopt a Resolution to authorize the commitment of $5,500,000 of General Fund unassigned fund balance for negotiated increases to employee compensation and $4,500,000 for capital improvement projects.
| 15. |
Mack E. Mickelson Arthritis and Rehabilitation Center Therapy Pool – Resolution in Support
Adopt a Resolution to call upon Sutter Health to reopen the Mack E. Mickelson Arthritis and Rehabilitation Center Therapy Pool located at the Mills Health Center in San Mateo for community use.