All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered by the Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion without discussion. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed and considered separately.
| 2. |
City Council Meeting Minutes – Approval
Approve the minutes of the City Council Special and Regular meeting of May 17, 2021.
| 3. |
Ordinance Adoption – Electronic Campaign Statement Filing Requirement Amendment
Adopt an uncodified ordinance to update the existing ordinance requiring electronic filing of campaign statements.
| 4. |
Ordinance Introduction – “Claims for Tax Refunds” Chapter Amendments Including Electronic Claims Filing
Introduce an Ordinance to amend Municipal Code Chapter 3.35 "Claims for Tax Refunds" to provide for other forms of claims and to authorize the electronic filing of claims.
| 5. |
Senior Transportation “Get Around” Program – Agreement
Adopt a Resolution to find that calling for bids is impracticable, unavailing, or impossible and award an agreement to Serra Yellow Cab, Inc. for the Get Around Senior Transportation Project up to the amount of $150,000 for fiscal year 2021-22, with an option for the City to extend for an additional year, and authorize the Director of Parks and Recreation to execute the agreement in substantially the form presented.
| 6. |
Senior Catered Lunch Services Program – Agreement
Approve an agreement with Corporate Cuisine for senior catered lunch services in the amount of $100,000; establish a contingency of $10,000; and authorize the Director of Parks and Recreation to execute the agreement in substantially the form presented and issue change orders within the contingency amount.
| 7. |
Landscape Maintenance Services: Medians, Islands, and Right of Ways - Agreement
Approve an agreement with Loral Landscaping, Inc. for landscape maintenance of medians, islands, and right of ways located within the city limits in the amount of $223,600 for fiscal year 2021-22, with the option for three additional one-year extensions; establish a contingency of $17,000; and authorize the Director of Parks and Recreation to execute the agreement in substantially the form presented and issue change orders within the contingency amount.
| 8. |
Animal Control Services – Agreement
Approve an agreement with the County of San Mateo for continued provision of animal control services for a five-year term commencing July 1, 2021, with an estimated cost of $871,467 for the first year and cost to be recalculated annually for subsequent years, and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement in substantially the form presented.
| 9. |
Police Department Patrol Vehicles – Purchase and Build-out Contracts
Adopt a Resolution to approve an alternative purchasing process and approve the purchase contract with National Auto Fleet Group for the purchase of nine (9) 2021 Ford Hybrid Police Interceptor Utility vehicles in the amount of $475,534.44 and to adopt the findings for an alternative bidding process and approve an agreement with Priority 1 Public Safety for the purchase and installation of public safety equipment in the amount of $144,336.33; establish a contingency reserve in the amount of $62,000.00; and authorize the Public Works Director to execute the purchase contract and agreement for services in substantially the form presented and issue any change orders as allowed by the agreements and within the contingency amount.
| 10. |
Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget Appropriation - Police Department
Adopt a Resolution to appropriate $200,000 to the 2020-21 Police Department operating budget, which will be fully offset by reimbursement revenue.
| 11. |
Fiscal Year 2021-22 General Obligation Bond – Tax Rate Levy
Adopt a Resolution to levy the property tax rate of $0.0064 per $100 of assessed value (equates to $6.40 per $100,000 assessed value) for the voter-approved General Obligation Bond annual debt service payment.
| 12. |
Citation Processing Services and Traffic/Moving Citation Equipment Purchase – Agreement
Approve an agreement with Turbo Data Systems, Inc. for citation processing, payment, and adjudication services for a term beginning July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2026; purchase 30 nFORCER-II Scan traffic/moving citation units for a total cost of $102,000 plus $80 per unit per month for support/maintenance/communications fee; and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement in substantially the form presented.
| 13. |
25th Avenue Grade Separation Project and Delaware Street Relief Sewer Project – Interagency Amendment and Agreements
Approve an Amendment to the Cooperative Agreement, a License Agreement in the amount of $16,500, and a Service Agreement in the estimated amount of $133,049 between the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board, San Mateo County Transit District, and the City of San Mateo; and authorize the Mayor to execute the amendment and agreements in substantially the form presented.
| 14. |
Clean Water Program Labor Compliance Consultants – Amendments
Approve amendments to agreements with Silveira Consulting and TSG Enterprises, Inc. DBA The Solis Group for on-call labor compliance services for the Clean Water Program in an amount not to exceed $200,000 each, for a total amount of $400,000; and authorize the Public Works Director to execute the agreements in substantially the form presented.
| 15. |
Sale of City-Owned Real Property Adjacent to Private Property and Abutting the Marina Lagoon
Adopt a Resolution to authorize the sale of real property adjacent to private property on Los Prados Street and Lago Street, finding that the real property transfers serve the public convenience and necessity, and authorize the execution of a grant deed for the City-owned portion of Lot 16, Block 1 of the Los Prados Segundos Subdivision and a grant deed for the City-owned portion of Lot 17, Block 1 of the Los Prados Primeros Subdivision, by the Mayor in substantially the form presented.
| 16. |
Downtown Affordable Housing Site Planning-Related Costs – Fund Appropriation
Adopt a Resolution to appropriate $488,000 from the Construction Services Fund to planning application projects for the Downtown Affordable Housing Sites project, located at 480 East Fourth Avenue known as Kiku Crossing, to cover planning-related costs.
| 17. |
Downtown Parking Equipment Network Hosting and Materials – Agreement
Adopt a Resolution to approve an exception to the City’s competitive bidding requirement and approve an agreement with IPS Group, Inc. for parking equipment network hosting and materials in the amount of $300,000 and authorize the Public Works Director to execute the agreement in substantially the form presented.
| 18. |
Downtown Business Improvement Area – Resolution of Intent for Annual Renewal
Accept the fiscal year 2020-21 Downtown San Mateo Association Annual Report; adopt a Resolution of Intent to Levy the Annual Assessments for the Downtown Business Improvement Area; and set a public hearing for the June 21, 2021 City Council meeting to consider levying the annual assessment.
| 19. |
Below Market Rental Rates, Sales Prices and Unit Community Priorities – 2021 Revisions
Adopt a Resolution to establish 2021 maximum rental rates and sales prices for affordable housing as required by the City of San Mateo's Below Market Rate (BMR) housing program; and establish Community Priority for units containing 3 or more bedrooms, which may allow a developer to provide fewer BMR units in exchange for units with more bedrooms as long as all other BMR program provisions are followed.
| 20. |
Park and Recreation Commission and Community Relations Commission – Appointment Subcommittee Recommendations
At the recommendation of the Appointment Subcommittees: Appoint Sarah Fields to the Park and Recreation Commission for a full four-year term ending June 10, 2025 and appoint Meghan Crowell to the Community Relations Commission for a full four-year term ending June 10, 2025.